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English, Full-time Faculty

Job Description


This position is a full-time tenure track, 10-month classroom teaching assignment in the Language Arts & Communication Division. The current teaching load is 15 lecture hour equivalents per semester. Faculty are also responsible for 5 office hours per week and are expected to devote as much time as necessary to perform the professional responsibilities of the position. Participation in professional activities, curriculum development and campus committees is expected. The teaching assignment may include courses offered in either onsite, online and/or hybrid format, evening and or Saturday classes.  


  • Teach fifteen lecture hour equivalents per semester in English, Language and Communication Arts using various teaching methods including demonstrations and active learning strategies.
  • Maintain five office hours per week, including regular posted office hours, which are accessible to students.
  • Responsible for preparation time
  • Participate in faculty/division meetings; yearly program review; curricular planning, development, and implementation; student learning outcomes: data collection and writing action plans, program learning outcomes, development, assessment, and implementation; evaluation of educational programs; and college governance to  advance the college's mission and strategic goals.
  • Participate in faculty professional development and continuing education activities that are designed to maintain and develop currency in the field, pedagogy (for traditional and online teaching and learning), and student support strategies, especially as they relate to student equity initiatives.
  • Maintain records of attendance, census, grades, etc.
  • Provide an environment conducive to effective learning.
  • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
  • Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with all employees and others encountered in the course of work.
  • Demonstrate a sensitivity to, and understanding of, the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students.
  • Travel between District locations is also expected.
  • Performs other instructional-related duties as assigned.


(Applicant must meet one of the following) 

  • Master's in English, literature, comparative literature, or composition OR Bachelor's in any of the above AND Master's in linguistics, TESL, speech, education with specialization in reading, creative writing, or journalism OR the equivalent.
  • Antelope Valley College Equivalency: No Equivalency

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